Well here’s to another year around the sun and a new exercise - can’t say I’ve ever done this before!
I listened to a Rachel Hollis podcast a while back where she referenced the idea of writing a letter to your younger self. I started doing that right around the time my Dad went into the hospital - to be honest I think I actually need to go back and finish that letter….
That exercise inspired me to write another letter - a birthday letter to myself.

So here she goes.

A birthday (love) letter to myself

Dear Alli,

What a year. Like a total dumpster fire of a year (for the most part). Sadly the painful parts of the year outweigh the shiny parts of the year. Normally you can rise up and not only see the big picture but also appreciate the highs and lows that are always full of lessons. This year was different.

This year you experienced gut wrenching heartache with the loss of Dad - your hero, friend and the first man to ever fill your heart with endless love. Sadly you’ve experienced some painful losses in your 36 years, more than most. This one has hit you different - its left you lost, angry, confused and so profoundly sad. There are no words for why this happened and you’re not sure how to move forward from here. Be gentle with yourself, let yourself grieve and work through all of the emotions - they will sneak up on you in some of the most unexpected ways and with some unexpected triggers. You’ve learned that you have a very special support network, perhaps wider than you ever thought. Lean on those people that love and care about you.
Dad was always so interested in the projects you were starting or working on, he was one of your biggest cheerleaders (shout out to Mom and Matt for being part of this epic cheer squad too!) and you consistently made him very, very proud. You have to trust in the fact that he’s in a peaceful place, watching down on you - giving you strength when you need it, filling you with so much love from afar and celebrating your wins alongside of you.

Speaking of wins!
You’ve said this quite a few times, the biggest win of this past year was becoming an Investor in Lori Harder’s new sparkling rosé spritz company, LITE PINK - WOW! Like seriously, wow.
But it doesn’t stop there. You then went on a girls trip with two girlfriends, with the focal point being invited to the most epic (first) LITE PINK Investor dinner and the opportunity to meet someone you’ve admired for years, Lori Harder. I know, I know, it was a pinch me moment, right? Word on the street is that you looked pretty 🔥in your pink dress that somehow perfectly matched all of the decor and photo backdrops LOL.
This opportunity is so exciting and has so much growth potential for you - I know you already see that.
Oh! I also heard that you are now mildly obsessed with Arizona and keep suggesting you and Matt get a winter home there… what a fantastic idea!

I know you and Matt typically do your annual intention setting date night early in January, and you usually select 1-3 words to describe the year ahead.
Whatever it may have been for 2021, I think your word should be RESILIENCE.
You guys endured your second year of a global Pandemic which impacted your young business, BENCHMARK Burlington, on a massive level. That meant multiple months-long closures due to provincially mandated lockdowns which in turn mean a lottttt of revenue lost. Woah.
Somehow you managed to keep your head above water, a positive attitude 95% of the time (great job!) and diving head first into other income streams and projects. I would imagine this is where you celebrate the message of having multiple streams of income, right? Lol.

You levelled up on your Personal Development game and invested in yourself with some great courses, memberships, podcasts and obviously lots of new books.
You traveled for the first time in a few years - might look a bit different at the moment, a bit more complicated, but gosh it had to have felt good to get a few new stamps in your passport, right?!
You celebrated some fantastic wins.
You got stronger - mentally, physically and emotionally.
You loved deeply.

I see a big, bold, powerful year ahead for you.
2022 will still have some challenges for you (and many others it appears) BUT you my dear, you will shine.
I can’t wait to see what 36 has in store for you - my wish for you is that it is full of growth, abundance, opportunity, celebrations and unconditional love from those that matter most in your life.

Happy Birthday Beautiful - let’s pop the Champagne!

xoxo Alli

A few snapshots from 2021 with some favorite people, in some favorite places + some favorite memories.


